A post-election prayer

Alanna SullivanBy The. Rev. Alanna Sullivan, as delivered at Morning Prayers

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Gracious and Loving God, we gather here this morning in shock — humbled, terrified, relieved, heartbroken. We come looking for comfort, reassurance, a sign, a word of hope, yet for many of us the future feels anything but certain. 

Holy One, we see our country ripped at the seams and we find ourselves walking on tenuous ground. Be a healing balm in Gilead. We pray for our brothers and sisters who are fearful for their lives and for their families. 

We pray for the leaders of this country and our communities. May they have a sense of humility, wisdom, and a sense of responsibility to protect us all. 

And God, we pray for this University and ourselves. You may feel very distant and remote to us now but may we rest on the blessed assurance that you are always by our side. 

Open our ears that we may hear your good news for us today. Open our eyes that we may see everyone as your beloved children. Open our hearts so that we may feel your emboldening love. 

In the days ahead we have work to do, hard work. Embolden us to stand in the face of racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and islamophobia within our country, within our university, with our ourselves. 

But let us also remember that each person is created in your image. Give us the strength, wisdom, and grace to live out our calling as Christians  — to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.  Amen.


See also: Morning Prayers